A few words..

A Gourd giraffe

A Gourd giraffe

Sometimes when I look at this blank screen it is similar to starting a painting on a blank white canvas!  So I decided to start this with a photo of one of my latest creations – a giraffe I made for my daughter.  She loves giraffes, and when ever we visit the Brevard Zoo, visiting  the giraffes and feeding them is one of our favorite things to do.  So for her birthday I created this giraffe from two gourds.  Of course right now she does not have the giraffe because the giraffe is displayed at the Melbourne Beach library with a display of gourds from the Brevard Gourd Artists Society which will run from now until June 23rd. check it out if you have a chance!

There is actually lots of news and activity since I last posted.  I did receive a two first place entries at the gourd show, which was last February, also a Second place and a Best of Adult Gourd Artists.  Which was exciting, because now I am in the masters division for certain categories, although I am not certain but I think the masters categories are primarily the technique categories like pyrography,  carving, etc.  but I am not sure… here are some photos of the entries-

A Time of Wonder-Best of Adult Gourd Craft 2016

A Time of Wonder-Best of Adult Gourd Craft 2016

Gourd Basket-First Place - 2016

Gourd Basket-First Place – 2016


Christmas Angel - Second Place 2016

Christmas Angel – Second Place 2016

Also one of my gourds was featured in Pyrography magazine! Very exciting and a total surprise –

Upper left corner is one of my gourds featured in the gallery section of Pyrography Magazine

Upper left corner is one of my gourds featured in the gallery section of Pyrography Magazine

Pyrography 2016 cover

Pyrography 2016 cover











Here is the photo of the whole gourd bowl, and I included a photo of the bottom of the gourd also.  I always try to add a little design to the bottom of a gourd, adds an additional design element and at the same time gives me more practice with wood burning which I really love to do.

Flowering Vine Gourd Bowl Pyrography 2016

Flowering Vine Gourd Bowl Pyrography 2016

Flowering Vine Gourd bowl bottom

Flowering Vine Gourd bowl bottom







Also my gourds are now in the Art and Antique Gallery in Eau Gallie, the EGAD district on Highland Ave, so that is pretty exciting for me.  Right now just on consignment but I am seriously considering joining as a member for next season.  We shall see.

I will also be teaching a class to the Gourd Group in July on the 2nd.  Since it is July 4th weekend I don’t expect too many students but I am thinking that maybe we will make a necklace similar to the design below  – the meetings are on the first Saturday of the month at the Eau Gallie library.

Gourd shard necklace with eggshell mosaic and gold leaf.

Gourd shard necklace with eggshell mosaic and gold leaf.

That is all for today- thanks for visiting my blog.  And all of those individuals that insist on spamming please – you are so annoying, to everyone else, have a wonderful day and leave a comment if you so desire -thanks again !!