About Debra

A mixed media artist and decorative artist, there is not a technique or surface that does not interest me! I should probably be a little more focused but diversity in mediums, surfaces and techniques has kept my interest and creative process expanding over the years. Never one to sit still after art school I dabbled in glass etching in commercial buildings and residential homes. Until the birth of my first child, which way laid my art endeavors for nearly eleven years and I stumbled upon decorative painting. A way to channel my creative yearning even though I was too exhausted to actually "think". Following others drawing patterns and painting instructions decorative painting satisfied my muse until my children were older and I had more energy to devote to my art. Now with an empty nest and the down turn in the economy I have so much more time to entertain my muse with all sorts of creative energy! So stay tuned you never know what you find posted in my blog or for sale in the Etsy shop!

July 2019


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Well, here we are past the half way point in 2019. I am trying to accomplish so many things this year however, I really do not think I will be that successful. I always have such lofty goals at the … Continue reading